9 Rites of the Munay-Ki

Munay-Ki –
The Munay-Ki are the 9 great rites of initiation of the medicine way. Munay-Ki comes from a Quecha word that means, ‘I Love You’ or ‘Be as Thou Art’. These rites have been under stewardship of the Inka or Laika, for millennia and are only now coming down to us to be shared with the world!
The Prophecies of the ancient America’s speak about a new human appearing on the planet, one who lives free of fear and resides in his/her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The 9th Rite or the ‘Creator Rite’ was transmitted for the first time in the summer of 2006 at The Holy Mountains in the Andes. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the High Wisdom Keepers, Laika, of the America’s.
If you feel you have a calling from spirit, and long to make a difference in the World AND your life, read more at this link:
I will be scheduling classes, so please contact me about offerings.
Luminous Energy Field –
The Inka belief system maintains that we have a Luminous Energy Field (LEF) which surrounds us like an egg or bubble. Inside this bubble is a template of how we live, how we age, how we heal and how we may die. The LEF contains an archive of all our personal and ancestral memories, all early life traumas and even painful wounds from former lifetimes. These records or imprints are stored in full intensity! When we erase or ‘combust’ a negative imprint that say, caused the onset of an illness, the immune system can rapidly respond to help the body regain wellness.
The 9 Rites of the MUNAY-KI are offered in a series of 3 classes with 3 Rites given per class. This Course is $200 complete. If a participant would like to host the class at their residence, I will offer a deep discount!